Comedic Comedian Memoirs

Laughter may or may not be the best medicine, but it's what I craved over this past winter, especially during the holidays.  I had many January plane rides as well this year, and comedy is of the essence when trapped on a plane.  All of these have strong YA crossover appeal, and, I have to say, if you gave something like Moranthology to your 17-year-old niece, you'd probably be about the coolest aunt in existence.   Here's a sampling of what I read:

Girl Walks Into a Bar by Rachel Dratch
Part comedy and part memoir, this is about Rachel Dratch after the TV appearances dried up.  She bemoans the Hollywood looks machine, but she also goes about inventing a remarkably interesting and appealing life for herself.

Moranthology by Caitlin Moran
If you loved How to Be a Woman, then you want More Moran.  This is a collection of her essays, and her characteristically smart and cranky British humor is going full force here.

A Bad Idea I'm About to Do by Chris Gethard
Depression and mental illness are not laughing matters, but Gethard takes it upon himself to laugh at his own bad judgment over the years.  He turns the lens on his family and himself, owning some real problems that they have had but also showing how he grew through them, even when he did some really bad ideas.

People are Unappealing by Sara Barron
If you're ready to look back at your younger years as the delusional time they were, this snarky memoir might be for you.  From unrealistic dreams of theater success to an unsuccessful waitressing gig at Coyote Ugly in very little clothing, Barron showcases her own raw efforts to grow up.  This one has the least YA appeal, except for the terminally snarky, who will probably eat it up.

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